Community Garden Project

Coppice Library Community Garden Project

The woodland area at the back of the library measures 16.5 metres x 21 metres and is the responsibility of the library. It’s currently an eyesore with dog fowling, litter, rubbish burning and antisocial behaviour in the evening.

Over the next 12 months it is going to be transformed into a outdoor library reading space and community resource. This is being achieved through a partnership between Coppice Library, Friends of Coppice Library, local residents and the Police.

Two meetings have taken place to date:

Achievements to date:

  • Dog Fouling signs have been displayed in the area frequently used by dog walkers
  • A Refuse bin has been approved by Trafford Council and will be located at the same location for use by dog walkers.
  • The untended green space at the back of the pub off the side of the car park has been approved for the community to use as a mini allotment.
  • Approval has been given to lock the car park off at night to deter drug dealers ( keys to be held by local residents to release anyone accidentally locked in.
  • Friends of Coppice Library have obtained 400 trees from the Woodland Trust which will be planted on the morning of the 24th November they will form the hedging of the new woodland space.
  • Native British wild flowers have been planted in the front and side lawns of the Library to provide a spring show.

If you want to get involved email

Hedge planting

We planted 400 young trees on Sunday to create the new woodland garden hedge lots of people turned up to help aided by hot refreshments a big thank you to all involved!