
Chainlink Community Cycles

Chainlink Community Cycles CIC are a CTC affiliated centre. We are open every Thursday at the old trafford wellbeing center from 11 till 4.


  • All types of bike repair –
  • We train volunteers to carry out all aspects of bike repair on bikes brought in by the general public
  • Bike maintenance tutorial sessions – We run dedicated workshops for people to learn the essential bike maintenance skills and beyond as well as encouraging those who bring their bikes for repair to stay and work on their own bike with us.
  • Bike refurbishment – We refurbish old donated bikes for our own stock of pool bikes, available for free hire, as well as for sale at affordable prices.
  • Bike Rides –We offer guided bike rides aimed at all levels around the local area. However, we don’t have a regular slot for these and just tend to be run if we have a particular demand and we have someone available to lead the ride. 

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