Below is a list of online activities happening in the Trafford area. If you find that any of the links are not correct or the activity is no longer running please let us know so we can remove it from the list.
If you need help accessing any of these or you would like to use one of our computers, please contact the centre to book:
Monday | 10:00am-11:00am | Online Pilates Helps improve isolation – improves physical and mental health – improves mobility – relieves stress. Open to anyone – low impact and suitable for beginners. To join in on Zoom contact Natasha on 07903554259. |
Monday | 11:00am-1:00pm | SEED Studios Ukelele & Guitar Session – Open to all uke and guitar players. Check us out at Join us on Zoom at Meeting ID: 920 3857 7304 Passcode: 11A. |
Monday | 11:00am-12:00pm | Online Mindfulness An online program designed to help bring calmness to a stressful world. Learn how ‘being in the moment’ can help reduce stress – work on posture to improve tension headaches – Learn coping skills for dealing with the unknown – Help to cope with isolation and boredom. No experience needed. To join in on Zoom contact Natasha on 07903554259. |
Monday | 11:30am-12:30pm | My Health Support Group Supporting you to live better. Relaxation techniques – health talks from experts – building resilience – food and nutrition – social connection. Wellbeing support from the comfort of your own home. To join in on Zoom contact Aliya on 07928843762 or email |
Tuesday | From 10:00am | Connect with Age UK Join us each week for a virtual get together. Share useful information updates – have a chat – play some games. All from the comfort of your own home. Join us on Zoom using the following invitation link: (Meeting ID: 98057027234 Password: 264930). |
Tuesday | 10:30am-11:30am | Early Help Hub Virtual Baby Club Join us on Microsoft Teams for our Virtual Baby Club! Sessions are running weekly via Microsoft Teams. All Trafford residents are welcome to join us with your little ones (aged 0-12months) for some singing and an activity each week! Some sessions will also involve guest speakers from different services who will share knowledge and provide useful information about a range of topics. Anyone who wants to find out more can email any of the hubs at or |
Tuesday | 11:00am-12:00pm | Multicutural Bollydance with Nrithya. Contact Sol at if you’re interested in joining in! |
Wednesday | 11:00am-11:00pm | Women’s Wellbeing and Exercise Programme from the Multicultural Women’s Wellbeing Group.Starts Wednesday February 10th and runs for 6 weeks. Contact Sol at or on 07853 659 602 if you’re interested in joining in! |
Wednesday | 12:00pm-1:00pm | Yoga Class with Rukia Contact Sol at if you’re interested in joining in! |
Wednesday | From 4:30pm | Directions for Men We meet weekly to talk about things affecting us and to support each other. Learn better ways to deal with the issues you are facing. Contact or 07894971434 to get the link to join in on Zoom. |
Wednesday | 4:30pm-5:30pm | Gardening and Cooking for Wellbeing with Shafia Contact Sol at if you’re interested in joining in! |
Wednesday | 7:00pm-8:30pm | Loss and Bereavement Weekly Support Group Join Jim from the Counselling and Family Centre in Altrincham for a free bereavement support group open to all. Join in on Zoom at – Meeting ID: 860 4204 5406 – Passcode: 542067. |
Thursday | 10:30am-11:30am | Early Help Hub Virtual Baby Club Join us on Microsoft Teams for our Virtual Baby Club! Sessions are running weekly via Microsoft Teams. All Trafford residents are welcome to join us with your little ones (aged 0-12months) for some singing and an activity each week! Some sessions will also involve guest speakers from different services who will share knowledge and provide useful information about a range of topics. Anyone who wants to find out more can email any of the hubs at or |
Thursday | 11:00am-12:00pm | Creative Writing with Rachel Contact Sol at if you’re interested in joining in! |
Thursday | 11:00am-1:00pm | SEED Studios Ukelele & Guitar Session – Open to all uke and guitar players. Check us out at Join us on Zoom at Meeting ID: 920 3857 7304 Passcode: 11A. |
Thursday | 12:15pm-1:30pm | Singing for the Brain Singing group for people with dementia organised by The Alzheimer’s Society. Contact Rebecca at 07702512469 or at to join in. |
Thursday | From 3:30pm | Keep Calm and Craft Get your arts and crafts kicks online with Carol – call 07579805623 to join in on Zoom. |
Thursday | From 3:30pm | Directions for Men We meet weekly to talk about things affecting us and to support each other. Learn better ways to deal with the issues you are facing. Contact or 07894971434 to get the link to join in on Zoom. |
Thursday | 6:00pm-7:30pm | LGBT Foundation BT Based Brogramme supports all LGBT people to manage recovery from all types of addictive behaviour Part of the SMART recovery programme. To join in on Zoom email or For further information call 0345 300 3030. |
Friday | 11:00am-12:00pm | Hips and Hearts with Ibrat Contact Sol at if you’re interested in joining in! |
Sunday | 8:30am 10:00am 6:00pm | St Paul’s Church Online church services and faith community discussion. On Facebook at Contact 0161 973 1042 for more information. |
Sunday | 9:30am-10:30am | Sale Methodist Church Online church services and faith community discussion. On Zoom. If you would like to join in please email Rev Richard Mottershead for the details and a guide on the Zoom services. |
Sunday | From 10:00am | The Avenue Methodist Church Online church services and faith community discussion. On Zoom – call 0161 962 2075 to join in. |
Sunday | From 10:30am | Life Church Online church services and faith community discussion. On YouTube at Contact for more information. |
Sunday | From 10:30am | Sale Salvation Army Church Online church services and faith community discussion. On YouTube at Contact 0161 976 4380 for more information. |
Sunday | From 12:30pm | Directions for Men We meet weekly to talk about things affecting us and to support each other. Learn better ways to deal with the issues you are facing. Contact or 07894971434 to get the link to join in on Zoom. |
Monday-Friday | 9:30am-10:30am | #CreativeNetwork In March Voluntary Arts launched #CreativeNetwork – a daily online get-together open to anyone involved in creativity in response to the effects of the pandemic and the lockdown. Facilitating these conversations has enabled people from across the UK and Ireland to connect with others and develop ideas and projects and find sustainable ways forward in changing circumstances. Visit to join in on Zoom. |
Various | One to One Wellbeing Sessions If you would like to book a time to have a 121 chat via Zoom about your wellbeing and any issues you’re facing contact Sol at |