Living Well Trafford
Delivered by Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Trust in partnership with Bluesci, the Living Well Trafford service is a mental health and social prescribing service for people in Trafford. The service can provide short-term mental health support when you need it most.
How does it work?
Once you have been referred, you will be contacted by a member of the team who will discuss your referral. An appointment will be made with you in a convenient place.
How does this service help?
Some people will benefit from some extra support that can help them get to where they want to be. This service will identify what is important to you and what support you need. Brief interventions can be provided to help you get back to where you want to be.
The aims of the service:
The aim of this service is to help you to improve your mental and physical health, and feeling of general wellbeing. The service can offer a wide range of support including:
- Mental health support – we can work with you to identify what your needs are.
- Emotional support e.g. talking through your worries and concerns with one of the team.
- Medication advice e.g. a pharmacist can call you to discuss medications and advise your GP if any changes are needed.
- Practical help e.g. advice and guidance around housing options.
- Help if you wish to change your lifestyle e.g. stop smoking, become more active, reduce/manage alcohol & drug use, achieve a healthy weight, eat healthily.
- Help to access a range of community groups and services.
- Help you improve your physical health e.g. supporting you to attend appointments
- Improving Access to Psychological Therapy (IAPT) e.g. counseling, CBT.
- Transport help e.g. applying for a bus pass.
- Social activities e.g. friendship groups, arts & crafts, leisure activities.
- Befriending to beat loneliness.
- Help you navigate services.
At the moment, referrals need to come through your GP. Please contact your GP if you feel you would benefit from this service.